#106 – “Chocolate Chai = Poison”

I don’t care what people say, chocolate chai is the most horrible liquid I’ve had the misfortune of drinking my entire life.  If you have managed to not only drink it but drink it on a regular basis, you are no longer human and are in fact a mutated lifeform that must be culled and wiped out for the good of humanity.  And it tastes icky.

BTW, if I put “Fuck Muffin” on a t-shirt, how many people would buy it?  The tagline could read “You don’t want to know what the frosting is made of”.

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  • Chevette Girl

    Heh heh, put me down for three t-shirts… those would be made of awesome…

  • Rano

    I definitely would buy that T-Shirt, and I think quite a few others would as well… in other news I applaud your hatred of chocolate chai.

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