#147 – “Mandarin”

I wondered if this comic got a bit tangental…but then again this comic’s purpose is to explain how a panda is able to speak (in Mandarin) no less, so perhaps it’s not tangental enough.

Man, this was not my weekend. Saturday night I got wicked bad food-poisoning, so after two hours of vomiting and crying in the bathroom I spent the rest of Sunday in bed. And then I had to stay late at work tonight to replace a co-worker who was vomiting and crying herself because of the flu.

It was the vomiting and crying that got me. Hit me right in my heart.

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  • KS_Claw

    vomitting and crying sucks, especially at the same time. I hope you (and your co-worker) feel better now

  • Guignol

    I vote for naming the panda RIN, so you can say
    “You Da Mandarin, Panda Rin!”

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