#381 – “Grey Area #2”

Feel free to post any gay jokes in the comments that don’t somehow involve dick.  I’m curious to see if any exist.

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  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1813457363 Mark Wright

    your facebook has been hacked bro – got this from “you”

    Seamus Patrick BurkeI tried this about a week ago and I couldnt believed it really came in the mail today! It was free. I even recieved a tracking number! My invite link they gave me only works for 8 friends, whoever uses them first will get one to, if they are still in stock. Enjoy!http://facebook.com/130782967071518?Invitecode=SeamusPatrick Burke

  • Xheralt

     hate it when that happens — as a side note, Mark, you should really replace the url with something like {URL DELETED} because otherwise you’re still spreading the spam, however unintentionally.

  • Colossalcat

    Included oingo boingo and gained my allegiance forever.

  • bobglass

    Gotta love a strip which includes both gay humor and Oingo Boingo!

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