Quick One #11 – “Air Man”

This is kind of part of my effort to stop being so formal with updates, and just do whatever pops in my head at the time.  I won’t lie: working full page has given me a lot of freedom, but it can get exhausting sometimes.  And some jokes I have just don’t justify that size.  So on top of making “Quick One” comics more frequent, I may go back to horizontal strips here and there.  I liked how it turned out with the Koriko shorts earlier this year, so let’s see what I can do with this.

That said: I confess mobile gaming has more or less passed me by.  Buck stopped at Bejeweled, Tetris, and briefly Angry Birds for me.  I finally got an iPad earlier this year though and I’ve been trying out new apps and games…so imagine my disappointment when I saw how nerfed the “Mega Man 2” app was.  It’s hard enough playing an action game without a physical controller reacting to your inputs (hence why RPG’s are kind of better for iPads), but add in floaty fall physics and ridiculous hit box sizes, and I’m kind of kicking myself even spending a dollar on it.

Anyway, back to work!  Planning at least ONE more full page before Rose City Comic Con, but I hope to do more.  Yea, putting too much pressure on myself.  That always works.

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