So by now you’ve probably noticed the Kickstarter widget that’s been added to the site. It’s something new I’m trying. I’m not gonna lie: for as much fun as I had, the Alternative Press Expo really set me back. Hell, I had fun at BOTH cons I did this year on both coasts, but in terms of actual returns for my investment it was a disappointment. And it’s a simple fact that unless I start doing better, I won’t be able to hit these cons like I want.
So I’m coming up with a new plan: next year I’m hoping to go local for shows here in Chicago. My big ones are C2E2, Anime Central, and CAKE. I also want to have a bigger spread than normal with more to offer and show-off. But I’m going to need help. Donate enough, you’ll receive books along with special edition prints and/or originals if the campaign is successful. But even just a dollar or so will engender my endless gratitude.
The campaign goes through January 23rd. My goal is a scant $2000, but it’ll get me through 2012 completely! Donate now if you can!