

“Oh Goodie!” is an anarchist teen comedy started in 2009 set in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.  It stars James, an easily excitable 17 year old American male who tries to get through every day life while trying to stay true to himself.  He gets by with the help of his best friend Aiyeese and the band they’ve formed together The Filthy F@#$ing Fairies, featuring a bass player who doesn’t speak and a drummer who’s a Panda.  What James goes through isn’t always true to reality, but it’s somewhat true to life.

…That’s not the complete truth though.

In actually, “Oh Goodie!” got it’s start in the spring of 2002 when I was a junior in high school.  Inspired by the webcomics revolution (around the time comics like Penny Arcade and Mega Tokyo were first getting big) I idly decided to start one of my own.  The first “Oh Goodie!” comics were drawn on Xerox paper with Micron pens when I was supposed to be taking notes in Geology class.  Not sure what to draw about, I loosely based each of the characters on my circle of friends at the time.

153 - Your New Name is Fluffy

It probably would’ve died on the vine had it not been for my friend Jeff Chow (the real life inspiration for Lee) who caught wind of what I was doing and without my asking posted the comics on a make shift website he’d made.  “Oh Goodie!” was born.  After about a year Jeff got a bit infrequent with the update schedule, so I asked him to teach me how to update it on my own.  I’ve been running the website by myself ever since.

After two attempts to get something going after I got out of high school I had something consistent going while I did a stint at community college.  But it lost pretty much all focus when I started attending honest-to-goodness art college and began focusing on my studies.  Nevertheless, “Oh Goodie!” had a close place in my heart and I wasn’t ready to abandon it.  I started conceiving better ways to tell old stories I’d done, and all new stories I could tell after that.  The characters became less inspired by the original people they were based on and more composites, taking on a life of their own in my mind.

223 - Starman

I eventually got out of school and got on my own, taking on a few different comic and art projects that I thought would get me attention.  When those attempts didn’t work out, I decided to finally start doing what I wanted to do, and “Oh Goodie!” was there waiting for me.

The version that’s up now I’m referring to as the “official” version, the all-or-nothing version that I want to see officially published, advertised, and printed.  I’ve told myself for the longest time I have a great story here, but how can I show people that if I don’t…well, show it?

Life is too short to do anything you don’t want to, and that’s the major message I’d like “Oh Goodie!” to get across in it’s own immature, slapdash way.  Your life is YOUR life, and nobody can tell you how to live it!

Rock on!

Seamus Patrick Burke
is an American comic artist born and raised in Chicago, IL. He is a graduate of the Minneapolis College of Art & Design where he studied under such artists as Terry Beatty (Ms. Tree), Zak Sally (Recidivist), and Barbara Schulz (Studio Schulz). He is also former assistant to Ryan Kelly, helping him on such titles as Local, The Vinyl Underground, and Northlanders: Cross and the Hammer.

His favorite artists include Bill Watterson, Jhonen Vasquez, The Hernandez Brothers, Chynna Clugston, Bryan O’Malley, and Marjane Satrapi.  His favorite band is Rush.

Seamus is currently based out of Portland, OR, where he’s a volunteer instructor at the Independent Publishing Resource Center.  He also is the founder of Gray Man Art, which highlights and creates black and white art of all shapes and sizes.

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