FINALLY got most of the Comicpress issues worked out. I was having problems with the image upload paths, which hindered me in posting images in the pages and having the comics update automatically. It really says something about my internet literacy that I finally get Comicpress to the point where it should’ve been in the first place. Finally got the ABOUT and CAST pages to the point I want them if you wanna check them out.
Linkara posted his pictures from FallCon and was kind enough to post the one I took with him when I stopped by his table! You guys should check it out, he got pics with most of the people who were in my vicinity. Have I mentioned yet that HE IS THE MAN…because he is.
I’d also like to give a shout out to Gene Koch of “Bad Influence Man”, who I almost met at the Con. His stuff is really funny, kind of in line with what I do here. In the world of webcomics it’s hard to find people who don’t do comics about video games, so I’m glad to have met him.
- ostrov
- Fred