#042 – “Sniggles the Hamster”

Just under the wire, but I made it! I will not be defeated by my day job!

Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately I don’t make my living off this (at least not yet) so I balance the comic with a 40 hour-a-week full time job. This last week we’ve been hampered by overtime and weather concerns because it’s been snowing so much in Chicago. I actually have to go in tomorrow morning because we got so backed up and will probably crash shortly after posting this.

Believe me, if I had my way, I’d spend my days working on this all the time, drinking Earl Grey tea and listening to John Coltrane. But life doesn’t always work out the way we want it, does it?

Regardless, I still managed to get it up when I said I would. When it comes to a webcomic, I feel it’s very important to stick to whatever update schedule you set. How can other people take your work seriously if you don’t? I also wanted to take my time because as you can see I feel I had a REAL GOOD joke here and I wanted to do it just right. This comic is actually twice my usual size so it took twice as long to make. For that pay off though? Totally worth it.

Okay. Bed. See you monday.

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  • Vogerl

    it’s better to see the art but: If the cage actually has bars in that grid, he’s able to fit thru one hole more than once ..

    jus’ sayin’

  • http://oyasumiyumiko.com E Mancuso

    I stumbled upon this b/c of your banner ad. I give you kudos for trying to do this while working 40 hours. I took work full time and am trying to do creative things on the side (ugh also add in finish my college degree). Your stuff is pretty funny, so you will have my support from here on out! : ) /highfive!!!

  • AdLoki

    I clicked through from your banner ad – it took me a couple of minutes to shift the initial thought that was – his tongue is out and hurting and he’s saying “thank god you’ve come” while another person with long hair (originally thought it was a girl) sits with their legs apart and a dazed expression on their face. Now, call me dirty minded but I thought something sexual had been going on. Then I thought “if the hamster’s watching them, why don’t they just go into another room, then she wouldn’t have to come so quickly..?”

    Then i looked at the previous instalment and it made more sense…

    Am I disturbed?

  • http://www.giagantor.com Giagantor

    That was pretty funny, that hamster is horrifying!

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