Tell me I’m not the only one who did this in high school. Where you’d just stand against the goals on the soccer field and chat with your friends while everyone else was creating a fuss on the other side. Then again I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t have a competitive bone in his body. I’d tell people “No no you take the ball, I insist. You deserve it. I’ll get it next time.”
MAN this one took my forever to get out. Not because it was hard to draw, but because of writer’s block. Getting my portfolio ready for C2E2 has taken up a lot of my energy (I needs a job!), and when I sat down to make this I didn’t like where I was taking the story. I was actually going to wrap this up today, but it just didn’t feel right and I don’t have a bridge to the next one I’m planning. So this one’s gonna go on for a little while longer. When all else fails, write what comes naturally.