B-Side #006 – “Violence Over Cartoons”

I thought long and hard about participating in Everybody Draw Muhammed Day, because I’m absolutely opposed to censorship in any form.  But frankly, a lot of the cartoons that’ve been submitted so far are…well, dickish.  In my opinion they seem to be criticizing Islam as a whole, which I feel defeats the purpose of the event.  Don’t think I’m defending the Muslim extremists who have threatened (or even tried to enact) violence against South Park Studios or other people for trying to portray Muhammed, because I’m not.  But offending Muslims by mis-representing their religious icon isn’t the way to go.  I invoke the “Life of Brian” rule when it comes to making fun of religion: make fun of the followers, not the leader.

So everyone involved has been acting like a douche and I felt it more appropriate to comment on that rather than offend all the non-violent, reasonable Muslims that make up way more of the Islam population than the violent extremists.  Oh, and concerning Molly Norris, the founder of the event who soon backed out because of its implications?  I recommend you think things through better before launching a big event like this.  I mean at least when I shoot my mouth off it’s usually an isolated incident.

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  • pony

    well said!

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