#108 – “Hmm Indeed”

Hope you had a happy fourth!

Managed to recover from my flu well enough, and I’ve started writing out the scripts ahead of time for the storyline after this one (which’ll be wrapping up this week).  I’ve been building up to this one for a while in my mind so I want to make sure it’s just right.  I may do another Sketch Week to properly prepare for it, but I haven’t decided yet.

In the meantime, I have to get ready!  My brother Michael and I are catching Rush tonight on their Time Machine Tour at the Charter One Pavilion here in Chicago.  They’ll be playing their Moving Pictures album in it’s entirety, and since I’m such a big Rush fan I’ll be writing up about it for Wednesday.  I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss seeing “The Camera Eye” played live (and to Rush fans out there you know what that means)!

SIDE NOTE: This may be one of the rare comics that has no digital additions (lettering, highlights, etc).  What you see is what I inked on the Bristol.

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