Sketch Week #8 – “The Last Airbender”

Before any of you ask, no I have not seen “The Last Airbender” movie and I don’t plan to. I’m such a big fan of the original Nickelodeon series that I don’t think I could stand the disappointment. I didn’t hold out much hope for M. Night Shyamalan doing a good job (I abandoned “Lady in the Water” an hour in out of sheer boredom), but even so, it’s a movie based off a series you like! You HOPE it’s going to be good! You HOPE there’s gonna be a miracle and Shyamalan’s gonna do a good job…but then you see that twit Jackson Rathbone pronounce his character’s name as SOH-ka instead of SOCK-ah (as it was in the cartoon) and you realize they couldn’t even get the pronunciation of the character’s names right that hope is foolish in this endeavor.

What HAS given me hope though is all the “The Last Airbender” fans (young and old!) who called Shyamalan out on it, sheerly out of their love for a truly great series. I share their indignation with you now. If that kid at 1 minute 45 seconds in is out there I wanna team up with him for a Shaymalan smackdown. Motherfucker just made this personal…

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  • MacDiver

    I saw bits of a promo before the movie came out. Shyamalan came out and said that the reason for Aang and the other character’s name changes had to do with “having them said in their original asian pronunciations.” Granted it still sounds off in comparison, but he seemed aware of the issue before everyone started complaining. But who honestly thought taking a twenty episodes of content and reducing it to an hour and a half movie would have worked out fine?

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