
I’ve thought hard about this, and this wasn’t an easy decision.  A lot of people have said I can’t keep up with the workload, and I seriously wonder if I can.  I’m a better artist than I was a year ago, easily, but I still got a long way to go, and lord knows I could do a better job at keeping schedules.

It also doesn’t help I have the book coming out in March and am working on my own personal website as we speak.  And my hours at my job have increased.  And I have other projects in the works with friends and professionals alike.

…But for what I want to do with this comic, this is the only logical choice.  I hated last year how slow my stories moved, and this would easily double the speed at which they move.  Not to mention there’s some more elaborate stuff I want to do that doesn’t fit into the typical horizontal strip format; a regular full page Sunday strip (which is also coming) would solve that.  And to put it bluntly, I want more people to read this site.  And that’ll only happen when I offer more content.  This way, I’ll have content every day.

So can I do this?  Well, I guess we’re going to find out next monday, aren’t we?

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  • http://tmi-comic.com Obaki

    Welcome to the club! You will regret it, but you’ll also find it rewarding.

  • Ozy

    This may be awkward… I don’t ready any strips that update on weekends, you will be the first. Guess I get to read three strips every Monday!

  • Alden

    As a reader, this sounds fantastic. I love this story, and I love all the music references and jokes. But by all means, if the work load turns out to be too much, don’t force it. You’ll just burn yourself out.

  • http://neilfein.livejournal.com/ Neil Fein

    It’s very brave of you to make this jump. You can do it!

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