#275 – “Audial Erotic #11”

Okay, I made a “Troll 2” joke. I know you’re all waiting for it.

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  • artbeast

    Ever heard of “Best Worst Movie”?

  • http://twitter.com/S_P_Burke Seamus Patrick Burke

    But of course!  I love stuff like that! 

    My first experience seeing “Troll 2” was about as perfect as you can get; I saw it at a midnight showing at the Lagoon Theater in Minneapolis with a crowd obviously raised on “Mystery Science Theater”, because we were all quipping and riffing the whole show.  I remember I got a big laugh when the young Michael Stephenson looks right at the camera and says “Grandpa Seth, are you there?” and I shouted out “NO WE’RE THE AUDIENCE” and waved.

  • artbeast

    Closest I ever came to what James did was a special-ordering a copy of “Hell Comes to Frogtown”, which was actually pretty damn good!

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