#277 – “What If… #1”

I’ve always been a big fan of “Archie” comics, and consider it one of the earliest inspirations for “Oh Goodie!” (no really), but it does seem to exist in this space that’s eternally locked in the 1950’s.  And I find it amusing thinking about how “Oh Goodie!”, its characters, and their traits would fit into such a time.  Personally, I don’t see why conservatives would want to regress to such a time.  I wasn’t born then so I can’t speak to what it was like, but with all of its flaws I’m happier to live today rather than back then.

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└ Tags: aiyeese, james, shira, what if

  • artbeast

     Koriko and lee would probably get a lot of shit for being Asian.

  • maarvarq

    Ah, but they think gay marriage is the greatest evil facing the human race Increased tolerance in their eyes is a bad thing.

  • http://twitter.com/demiurgent Eric Burns-White

    I don’t know — given that Archie Comics is one of the few to have a comic with an openly gay protagonist, it’s not entirely in the fifties….

  • http://twitter.com/S_P_Burke Seamus Patrick Burke

    Y’know I considered putting that in, but I felt Aiyeese got the point across effectively enough.

  • AndyO!

    Segregation – check
    Forced conformity – check
    Suppression of gays – check
    You left out blue laws and practically mandatory church membership, but this is a neo-con wet dream.

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