EVH vs Spiders From Mars #15

I feel kind of alone amongst my music geek friends in that I enjoy Bowie’s latter day stuff the most (anything after “Let’s Dance”). If any of you have a chance to listen to his (as of now) last album “Reality”, I highly recommend it. Here’s my favorite track off that record.

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  • Kate

    Hi, I had to leave a comment. My man made me read this comic (it’s not usually my scene) as he thought I’d appreciate the music refs. I am a massive Bowie fan and I’m appreciating all of the references to other music along the way. It sort of reminds me of a story I wrote about 8 years ago for my friend that was all based on David Bowie refs. This is making me want to do something like that again, so thanks. I love Bowie’s later stuff, I was lucky enough to see the amazing man on his Reality tour which was shit hot. If you haven’t already checked out ‘Heathen’, please do it’s a killer album! Cheers, Kate (Random Scottish person).

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