I confess I considered having two of the earlier Doctors making out (possibly Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker), but in the end decided to be kinder and throw the ACTUAL Yaoi fangirls a bone. Don’t say I never did anything for you, folks. Feel free to debate the possibilities of dimension-destroying orgasms in the comments.
Wouldn’t you know it? I finally start getting my inspiration back after some rest, and get a new computer to speed up my operation to boot…and get laid up with the flu for a week. Since I’m feeling better though, I’m gonna try to get back to my normal update schedule, if for nothing else to finally finish this damn story and move onto other things I want to do with “Oh Goodie!” this year (which I’ll be announcing in more detail soon).
Lots of stuff is happening on my portfolio blog though, and with my new side project “Gray Man Art“, so come check that out in the meantime. Here’s hoping I can get some more comics done this week! On to Wednesday!