#462 – “Warp Zone #5”

Alliteration for the win!

Sorry last week was dead.  Me and The Girlfriend have been trying to find a place together for a bit, and out of nowhere we found the perfect place.  We had to finalize everything and just did yesterday.

It’s funny we managed to make it happen then too, and here’s why:

My current lease is expiring at the end of August, and I’m more than happy to be getting out.  Place has been a nightmare.  Think of every bad apartment cliche, I’ve got it.  Cramped spaces, bugs, mold, noise, vandalism, negligent landlords, crazy guy across the hall, the works.  I get ready to leave to go celebrate the NEW place, and I see a notice taped to my door.

It reminds me my lease is expiring soon (believe me, I know), and if I want to renew they’re now going month-to-month (always a good sign), and this’ll cost $35 in rent.

…Well, fine living like this, who WOULDN’T want to pay more?

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  • David M

    When does he get to the land of Grands
    And when they get there please skip urge to show piano birthing
    Not sure we want to see where the baby grands come from

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