#334 – “Mad Science #1”

Fun fact: I had been out of the game for so long I started over-thinking every aspect of the comic when starting again, especially in light of moving to full page.  There’s a whole other version of this comic along with the next one that I made before starting over and trying again.  The other version is up on my blog.  Feel free to compare and tell me what you think.

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  • artbeast

    Aw geez! Not another shock box, is it?

  • http://twitter.com/S_P_Burke Seamus Patrick Burke

    No, much more practical.  For that reason thought, James’ reaction is much stupider.

  • O8h7w

    I think that the characters look a lot better in the version posted. I’m somewhat allergic to all those dots, unless the whole thing goes all nostalgia-looking like in LPFOS. And so I also think the rest of the comic (especially the armchair and the painting) looks better in the alternative version. Oh, and it’s a good idea to not have the wall completely white when there’s skin that’s completely white.

    As for James’ mother’s last line, none of them sits quite right… how about:

    “…yea, he’s been…  uh…  again.”

    Nah… not quite right that either. I’m as unsure as she herself about what to say!

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