So yea, didn’t take long for me to break my “update daily” schedule, did it?
This month has just been kicking my ass. I’ve been preparing a paperback plus some mini-comics, getting a whole new website running, and getting running for not only one big convention but ANOTHER big convention three weeks after that one. I over-tipped my hand and everything just got to be too much of me, so I had to scale back for a bit. Not to mention I’m logging in hours at my job every day this week leading up to the convention, and then working four straight days after its over. I just got burnt out.
…But the good news is my head is getting clear again and I’m picking things back up. I’m hoping to return to daily updates again soon, but I honestly can’t guarantee that at this point (though I’m gonna try my damnedest). I do have comics through Friday ready though, so I hope you enjoy them.