Yup. It’s that time again! Time for more Eddie Van Helsing, my annual Rocktober special! Here’s how it’s going to go down.
The EVH story I have planned is MUCH bigger than last year. It’s 22 pages, and that’s including a special cover and a bonus comic at the end. The cover will go up on October 1st, and we’ll be proceeding with Monday through Friday updates for the rest of the month until the story is completed. I have the script ready and some of the pages pencilled, but really I have my work cut out for me because EVH stories are full pages and require more detailed artwork. So I’ll be dedicating the rest of the month to getting it as complete as possible before October. Regular “Oh Goodie!” comics will resume immediately afterwards.
I am REAL SORRY I won’t be doing any regular “Oh Goodie!” updates until then, but it’s the only way. After “Trifectica” I’d prefer to sit down and draw a big story like this in one sitting. And I want to make sure the action as good and the comedy is as funny as it can possibly be.
I’ll be keeping you posted as more artwork is produced, and I’ll be posting incidental stuff on my blog as well in the meantime.
Thank you for your understanding. I think you guys are REALLY gonna like it this year! Rock on!