“Koriko Sunday #16”

Sorry I haven’t updated in a really long time. To be honest, things aren’t great, either professionally, personally, or financially, and it’s been hard to sit down and draw extensively in the face of all that. April and I are working on fixing it all of it, but it’s going to be a long summer before it’s all resolved. Some of you have sent me messages and comments with your support, and I appreciate it. But I honestly don’t know right now when I’ll be able to start updating again. Some days it’s hard to draw at all, never mind focus consistently on one project. There’s something I never thought I would say.

I’ll keep you all posted. Thank you for your patience.

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  • eldestdawn

    may i suggest to just start drawing. you don’t have to draw something for this comic, just start drawing anything that comes to mind. it will help you get over the blockage and maybe even get you started on some new scenes. getting started is always the hardest part but once you get going it will get easier. dont focus on anything and let your hand do the thinking and see where it takes you.

    the only way to keep going is by moving forward.

  • MrDefo

    Keep it up, man. You’re doing awesome work!

  • Chevette Girl

    Hang in there, we’ll wait πŸ™‚

  • MerchManDan

    Just focus on feeling better and getting into a good place (metaphorically speaking), don’t even worry about updating. Unless it’s an update to tell us you’re feeling better. πŸ˜‰

  • eldestdawn

    Have you attempted to set up a patreon? it’s a way to allow readers to fund your comic and also reward them with extra bonuses. if you get enough people to fund your comic, you could quit your other job and write comics for a living and thus update your site on a more regular basis. I like the comic and would love to help fund it once i get a job.

  • spburke

    I have indeed thought about setting up a Patreon. I’ve been hesitant because I feel my inconsistent updates would make any reward tiers to backers hard to achieve. Of course, one goal of the Patreon COULD be helping me achieve more regular updates. It’s a thing I go back and forth on, obviously.

    Your comments were really touching though πŸ™‚ I’ve been getting a lot of those lately and it’s helped me feel better during these tough times. So if nothing else, thank you.

  • Cristian Ciammaichella

    Don’t worry, I’ll wait for you forever if I must… u.u

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