“Draw or Die”

I’ve been hesitant about things like Patreon because what I’m interested in doing changes on the fly on such a constant basis (as this comic shows), and I’m worried I don’t have enough influence or interest where people would be willing to follow me no matter what I did. Everything I listed though I’m sincerely interested in along with “Oh Goodie!”, even if a lot of it is still in its infancy. If nothing else, the last few months have given me no lack of ideas.

In any case, if there’s anything you’d like in return for donating to a Patreon campaign, let me know. Hell, ANYTHING you’d like to see, let me know. I only found the strength to continue through YOUR encouragement. Hearing your requests is the least I can do.

See you Monday!

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  • Lauren Fox

    Great to see you’re back, good luck with everything 🙂

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